29.620- PL 156.7
YOu Transmit on 29.520 to the repeater. TX and RX has tone.
Sorry if your old radio don’t have tone… USE a PC SPEAKER to the mic while you talk…. or better use your smart Phone. Hams are smart… solve your problem.
YES the duplexers are LARGE, there’s a way to get them smaller…. BUT the Q isn’t great in helical short cavity.
The dang 100 khz spacing is HARD to get DUPLEXERS to WORK!!! HIGH Q is better for that reason.
This is OLD picture now but give size of duplexes 1/4w.
Smaller ones… (helical, below guts…) Short Cavity measures…
So, the repeater runs about 100+ watts to Antenna. Had 2 cavities are homebrew by Cliff H. and Larry WB4NKM. The Two I made are made from Duct work, to learn only. I plan on making more from other material as time-budget permits. The antenna is 5/8 wave Sirio 827 (they claim about 1.5 db gain or 3.65 dbi ). Running 7/8″ hardline so minimal loss there on low band. I offend hear stations better than my transmitter allows me to hear them.
Current Plans are very Fluid and Evolving be patient.
The one in New York KQ2H their information is here. It’s all good though use the tones for the repeater you want. If there are repeaters not toned it may make it harder and you may need more power to overcome the FM capture effect.
Be patient.
Be courteous, Enjoy!
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